Education is the transmission of civilization. ~ Will Durant
The vision statement of CRSCE, Noida reiterates the need of nurturing caring and competent professionals in the field of education, and since education is a social phenomenon we shall definitely reap benefits both short term and long term through this vision. Education brings about certain behavioural changes in the learner with an aim to foster better livelihood and dignified living. It also entails certain positive dispositions in the learner that help an individual to contribute optimally to the civic and economic progress of the nation.
At CRSCE we must give more attention to the interplay between the science of teaching - pedagogy and the art of teaching. A teacher must be anchored in pedagogy and blend imagination, creativity and inspiration into the teaching learning process to ignite a passion for learning in students. We aim at grooming our learners as lifelong learners for a knowledge society. The constant and ceaseless endeavors of the staff, students and management of the institute build cohesive energy to accomplish the goals and objectives defined.
In order to meet the technological and globalized demands of the society we have left no stone unturned in the training process of our teachers and teacher educators. A well defined student charter reiterates the rights and duties of students on campus. Chet Ram Sharma College of Education is recognized for its innovative practices and path breaking changes in the training process of the learners.
We aim to be one of the leading colleges of education in India recognized for its state of the art and innovative teaching practices.